- Chapter 1 (Server Concept): It's a 55-120 Newschool server like our previous servers. This is going to be one of the newest and freshest Astra server. Beside of our last server, in Throne, you'll be able to play from ZERO with thousand of the players. It will provide everyone a fair chance of evolving your accounts no doubt. And additionally, we brought some gameplay features to increase your gameplay quality.
- Chapter 2 (New updates): We'll everytime work for you to bring game updates and keep the game current. But after a point, we're absolutely starting to struggle because of the already existing lot of system. It's not going to be special systems for Akademia, but after opening and during the season everytime game will be supported with the new updates. Some new updates are listed below:
Automatic Hunting
Battle Pass changes:As you know, we have been receiving requests for automatic hunting for a long time, but we were adamant about not implementing it. However, due to demands from foreign players and the evolution of the industry, we have decided to bring automatic hunting to our game. Automatic hunting will be provided to you unlimited and free of charge. Automatic boss hunting can be purchased weekly from the item market for 500 DC. You can farm with 1 client using automatic hunting, and manually farm with 1 client, with a total limit of 2 clients.
Map changes:The Battle Pass now offers bonuses. The prices of products in the Battle Pass Store have been changed. The Unlimited War Pass can be purchased from the item market for 500 DC. The number of tasks in the Battle Pass has increased from 46 to 113.
Gameplay changes:Although not finalized, we will be revising all maps, switching from the pool system to the field metinstone system, so you will be able to find metinstone in every corner of the map.
Changes in events:As you know, in our game, every map opening would increase cor, metinstone gaya, boss gaya, and yang drops, but this led to inflation. We have now switched to a fixed drop principle for all maps, and we have prepared events to compensate for the reduced gayas and yangs. We have introduced 2 new Main Bosses that will undoubtedly drop the best weapon costume at every stage of the game. These 2 Main Bosses will spawn once a week. The health of the texts has been doubled compared to previous seasons because farming with automatic hunting was much more than the normal game flow. Area bosses will now spawn with PvP disabled across 4 channels, their health has been increased by 4 times, and they will spawn every 4 hours.
Changes in Rewards:Multiple major events will be designed and activated sequentially throughout the season in the Event Calendar. We know you really liked the Ramadan event we held last season. You can exchange your accumulated Okey card sets for 2 sets of 1 bronze chest.
Streamers can now benefit from the rewards. Since we are already introducing automatic hunting this season, we will not be providing dc support to any streamer, but they can still purchase dc themselves, please keep this in mind. As you know, streamers tend to pull as much DC as they earn from the competition due to their economic power and ambitions, so we plan to give rewards not only to the first place but also to the second and third places.
- Chapter 4 (Item-Shop opening): The IS will be activated on Sunday in 2nd of June!
- Chapter 5 (Beta server): Beta server will be opened on 27th of May players will be able to test systems and also they will have a chance to get REAL MONEY! (There is 100 Euro reward for the player who has most damage on PVM and also more rewards. Follow Discord to check.)
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