Patch Notes 2.58

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Community Manager
Staff member

Maintenance, on 1 June 2024

  • The client will no longer automatically close after maintenance unless we provide a new executable. This allows you to re-enter the game with auto-login after maintenance.
  • The player capacity for channels have been doubled.

  • ⁠Fixed the issue preventing summoning auto-boss while the trade window is open.
  • ⁠Fixed the issue preventing summoning auto-boss while the market window is open.
  • ⁠Fixed the issue preventing summoning auto-boss while trade is active.
  • ⁠Fixed the issue preventing summoning auto-boss while an NPC window is open.
  • ⁠The visual bug causing the Biologist quest to appear as an Orc Tooth can be fixed through Baek-Go.
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